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History Outside the Box



Carter, Tamara. Pete Falk and His Gas Station: History, Legend and Lore. Alexandria, Virginia: History Outside the Box, 2015


Carter, Tamara. A Memoir of Injustice: by the younger brother of James Earl Ray, alleged assassin of Martin Luther King Jr., as told to Tamara Carter. Walterville, Oregon: Trine Day, 2011. 


Carter, Tamara, et al. “Washington, D.C. History Matters.” D.C. History Matters.  2006. Center of History and New Media, George Washington U.

Ms. Carter co-authored a module of this academic website. Using digitized primary documents and data, the site presents the history of the Washington, D.C. area for use by students, teachers, professional historians and the general public. The module authored by Ms. Carter provides insight on the historic C&O Canal and discussion questions appropriate for an undergraduate curriculum.


Carter, Tamara, et al. Martin Luther King, Jr., Records Collection Act of 2002:

To provide for the expeditious disclosure of records relevant to the life and assassination of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. H.R. 5762, 107th Cong., 2d Sess (2002).  

Ms. Carter co-authored this Congressional bill during the summer of 2002. It was introduced by Congresswoman McKinney in November of 2002.


107th Congress


Carter, Tamara (2006). Mni To Wakpala, the Blue Water Creek Massacre: A Policy of Annihilation and its Impact on the Lakota Nation. Unpublished master’s thesis, George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia.

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All images/artwork on this website is copyrighted by the artist. No image either whole or part may be used without permission of the artist. 

Website design by Joe Gaines and T Carter ©2023

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